Saturday, 16 November 2013

LIFE/ Tea for the rainy afternoon


Kupa/ Cup: Benetton, Tabak/ Plate, Catal&Bicak/Fork&Knife: Zara Home, Pecete/Knapkin: Ikea

Kis Barcelona'ya gec geldi tam geldi. Soguklar 2 gunde basladi ne oldugumuzu anlayamadik, bir taraftan da iyi oldu cunku ben her mevsimi mevsiminde yasamayi sevenlerdenim. Su aralar canim soguk, kar, gri havalar, sarip sarmalandigim paltolar, sallar ve botlar istiyor..Sahil hayallerinden arzularindan cok uzaktayim. Mayo bikini goresim yok hep gozum kalin sis orgu hirkalarda, vs.. E hal boyle olunca havalar iyi gitti mi vucut bunye kafa hayli karisiyor:)

Sabahtan beri yagan yagmurla evdeyiz, boyle gri bir ogleden sonra bir kupa sicacik cay ve diyet yaptigim zamanlardan ogrendigim kolay atistirmalik pek iyi gitti.

Salam, Jambon, Fume et gibi soguk ince dilim etlerinden hangisini tercih ederseniz dilim dilim kullaniyoruz, bir yumurtayi sari ve beyazina ayirip beyazini lor peyniri ile karistirip dilimlerin ortasina makul olcude yerlestirip, dilimleri rulo sariyoruz. Ustune yumurta sarisi ve corek otu, 180 derece firinda 10 dk da hazir:)

Afiyet olsun:)

Winter has arrived to Barcelona in 2 days, we have been a little bit surprised and confused but it's all right. Because I love all seasons on their own times. I don't dream about summer these times, All I want is about winter and cold.. like snow, foggy and grey weathers, coats, boots a little bit cold...
We are at home today because of the rain, one big cup of tea and something for picking up are great for this rainy afternoon.

You can use any kind of cold meat, I preferred Jambon, use it as thin slices. One egg, you will use it's yolk and white sperately. Mix egg white and ricotta cheese,  put it on centre of the slices, make rulos, put egg yolk on it and add some nigella seeds, you can cook it in oven at 180 Cantigrade for 10 minutes.

Bon apetit:)

1 comment:

Enda said...

benim de kocaman hırkalara şallara sarılasım vaaarr :)) tarif de harika denenecek! thank u!



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